6 Early Signs of Water Heater Failure

Knowing these early signs of water heater failure may prevent a water heater failure emergency before it happens (saving yourself money and stress in the long run).

If you run a restaurant, hotel, or apartment building, just thinking about a “no hot water” situation might make you panic. No dishwashers or hot showers? No thank you! After all, you need hot water to run your business. Remember: your commercial water heater is a mechanical piece of equipment. So it’s not a matter of if your water heater will fail—it’s a matter of when. Eventually, all hot water heaters fail. But you can be prepared. Look for these early signs of water heater failure—and learn what to do when your commercial water heater is acting up.

Skip to the water heater problem you’re experiencing:

Good news! You can stay ahead of the game by recognizing the visual signs (signs you can see) and the auditory signs (signs you can hear) that your water heater is about to fail. These signs indicate your water heater might be on its last legs—so if you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to get your commercial water heater checked out by a trained water heater technician.

Signs of Water Heater Failure You Can See

As time marches on, your water heater will eventually fail. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, especially equipment that works as hard as a commercial water heater. What keeps a water heater failure from turning into a hot water disaster is knowing the signs to watch for before the inevitable failure.

As part of your team’s regular maintenance routine, we recommend a quick monthly visual inspection of your equipment. It takes just seconds, but you’ll notice these early signs of water heater failure long before they’ve become a serious concern that leaves you without your much-needed source of hot water.

So what are the signs? Let’s start with the visual signs of water heater failure—the signs you can see, since they’re often the first indication that there could be a problem with your hot water heater.

Visual Sign of Water Heater Failure # 1: Dripping or Leaking Water Heater

When you see some water on the floor near your water heater, it’s essential to figure out where the leak comes from—failure to understand what to do when your water heater leaks could result in a dangerous situation.

Here’s what you need to know about water heater leaks!

Possibility # 1: Condensate

If you notice a little condensation (moisture) on your water heater, this is typically normal and not a sign your water heater is failing. However, condensation looks different on standard (atmospheric) water heaters than on high-efficiency water heaters.

How do you know which type of water heater you have? A quick rule of thumb is to check the top. If a large metal pipe is coming out of the center, it’s likely a standard atmospheric water heater. If there aren’t any top pipes, or the vent pipes are PVC instead of metal, it’s most likely a high-efficiency water heater.

Most high-efficiency water heaters are “sealed combustion” units that gain efficiency by extending the path the combustion gasses travel within the water heater, slowing them down to make use of as much available heat as possible. This process generates condensate discharged through a condensate drain near the bottom of the tank. So, condensation is a healthy sign that your high-efficiency water heater is working correctly!

Standard atmospheric water heaters typically don’t produce condensate. However, drastic differences in temperature between the water tank and the air outside the unit can sometimes result in a small amount of condensation on the outer jacket, which will happen within minutes of installing any atmospheric water heater. After that, condensation will typically only occur if you use all the hot water quickly and the tank refills with water colder than the surrounding air—similar to a cold beverage on a warm day.

The Solution:

Condensation is normal and typically not a problem or an early sign of water heater failure. Be sure your basement or room where you keep your hot water heater has proper drainage.

Possibility # 2: T&P Valve

A photo of a gold-colored water-heater valve. There is a copper coil behind the valve, and the valve connects to the top of a white water heater tank.
Image courtesy of the Wikimedia Commons – from user JohnnyMrNinja – licensed under CC Public Domain.

When you see water on the floor near your water heater or dripping from the pipe that runs down the side of the unit, your temperature and pressure (T&P) valve is venting excess steam. This steam condenses into water, which travels down that pipe and into your floor drain, preventing your water heater from exploding. A slow drip from the T&P or “pressure release” valve is normal.

NEVER tamper with or block the T&P valve or pipe. Proper operation of the T&P valve is critical to safe water heater operation. (Have you seen the Allstate water heater Mayhem commercial? It’s no joke!)

The Solution:

If you’re concerned that a large volume of water is coming from the T&P pipe (or elsewhere on your commercial hot water heater), it’s time to call a trained water heater technician. A constant flowing stream can indicate that the T&P valve is faulty or broken—even small leaks are a concern. If the seal has broken, it will leak water, compromising the integrity of this vital safety feature. Again, always call a trained water heater technician if you suspect a problem with your T&P valve. DO NOT tamper with the T&P valve. A T&P valve that is capped, blocked, missing, or broken cannot release built-up pressure, which could cause your water heater to explode.

Seriously. Watch the MythBusters tamper with a water heater, turning it into a rocket:

Possibility # 3: A Leaker

In the commercial water heater industry, there’s a reason we call a failed hot water heater a “leaker.” When a standard atmospheric water heater is leaking water from the bottom of the tank, it’s a sure sign you’ve got a leaker—meaning your water heater is about to fail completely and SOON.

A green tile floor is covered in water beneath a leaking hot water heater. The water heater is grey colored with gold and black pipes.

When water comes from the base of the water tank (or if you notice water on the floor under the water heater), your commercial water heater is leaking internally. Your water heater is losing the water it’s supposed to be heating. Small leaks can happen slowly over time or very abruptly. These leaks occur because the metal expands and contracts when the water heater tank heats up and cools down. Over time, hairline cracks form in the tank itself or in the flue tubes inside the water heater, causing water to leak out onto the floor.

Typically, only standard atmospheric water heaters become obvious leakers. Many high-efficiency (sealed combustion) water heaters can become leakers without any advanced visual signs. High-efficiency (sealed combustion) water heaters leak too, but these units have combustion chambers at the bottom, so when an internal tank leak develops, it spreads into that chamber under the tank and isn’t visible from the outside. Instead, the leak will typically extinguish the burner, preventing the heater from firing.

The Solution:

Unfortunately, the only solution to any leaker is a water heater replacement. If your high-efficiency water heater displays an error code or is “locked out,” refer to your manual for the diagnosis code to prepare your water heater technician for your service call. Call a qualified business to service and replace commercial water heaters. (In the Midwest? Contact Reliable Water Services.)

Visual Sign of Water Heater Failure # 2: Corrosion

If you notice a lot of corrosion around the pipe fittings attached to your commercial water heater, this indicates that water is leaking through what should be sealed pipe fittings. Pipe fitting corrosion occurs because mineral deposits from the water seep through the gaps in those pipe connections. This situation is often called a “slow leak,” which means your water heater might be able to limp along for a while, but it will fail if you don’t address the problem.

A white colored water heater displays a rusty crack along the bottom. A brass fitting shows rust and tarnish from a water leak.

The Solution:

A slow leak through the pipe fittings or along the bottom of the tank welds causes corrosion; corrosion is a sure sign of imminent water heater failure. You’re lucky your water heater has a little time left, but don’t delay. You’ll need a water heater replacement SOON—it’s just a matter of time. Even if the leak “seals itself shut” with sediment, that sediment will soon crack, and then you’re looking at a full-on leaker. A leaking water heater can be a big problem (and mess). Contact a professional commercial water heater technician as soon as possible.

Visual Sign of Water Heater Failure # 3: Burn Marks

If you see burn marks on the bottom of your water heater, that’s typically an indication of two possible problems. (Note: Burn marks are only an issue for standard atmospheric water heaters.)

Possibility #1: Improper Venting

A slightly grainy image of the bottom of a white water heater, with chipped and rusted paint and flame burn marks along the bottom edge.

Burn marks on your commercial hot water heater could mean improper water heater venting is causing backdrafting. Backdrafting is a severe problem that requires urgent attention and repair because you’ve got natural gas and exhaust fumes that aren’t exiting your building as they should. It doesn’t necessarily indicate a water heater problem but a structural venting issue. Those toxic fumes are seeping into your establishment—NOT a good situation.

The Solution:

If your issue is improper venting, there’s likely no need for water heater replacement—you’ll need to call a plumber to fix the venting. However, if you don’t fix the venting, your water heater WILL fail prematurely (as will any subsequent water heater replacements). So don’t wait! Find more information on water heater venting here.

Possibility #2: Damaged Flue Pipes

Burn marks can also indicate that the flue pipes (located inside the water heater) are blocked or damaged. A flue problem is also potentially unsafe, so the water heater will need to be replaced soon. What’s causing the damage to the flue pipes? Are the pipes blocked? You will need a professional to diagnose the issue. There could be something like a bird’s nest in the top of the flue or chimney stack. There could also be something going on inside the water heater itself.

The Solution:

Call a plumber ASAP. You need to have the water heater shut down until the problem is resolved to prevent any dangers while the water heater is broken. You will likely need a water heater replacement, and for safety’s sake, this isn’t a problem to ignore or postpone. Address damaged flue pipes right away.

Visual Sign of a Water Heater Failure # 4: Yellow Flame Color

While your water heater is running, you’ll notice a nice, blue-colored flame underneath the tank, heating your water. If that pilot light flame is yellow or orange instead of blue, this is an indication that the burner isn’t working correctly, and the water heater unit needs to be serviced. Like the flame on your gas stove, a yellow-hued flame means it’s burning too cool. (Note: This is an issue for standard atmospheric water heaters only.)

The Solution:

In this case, cleaning or replacing your water heater’s burner is likely the only repair you’ll need. However, suppose you see a yellow flame in conjunction with burn marks on your water heater (as noted in Visual Sign # 3 above). In that case, that’s usually an indication of insufficient make-up air available. It signifies that the flame is starving for the air it needs to burn hot.

Signs of Water Heater Failure You Can Hear

If you’ve been doing monthly visual inspections on your commercial water heater, you’ll likely notice the visible signs of water heater failure first before you start hearing sounds. That said, sometimes, the signs of water heater failure occur inside the unit, making it hard to notice with your eyes alone.

That’s when listening to your water heater comes into play. Now, it may sound like an odd activity—listing to your water heater, but the truth is that the noises are often pretty clear and noticeable. Taking just a few moments each month to listen to your equipment will help you identify an issue before you run into a water heater emergency.

What does water heater failure sound like? Here are two auditory signs that your water heater might require professional assistance.

Auditory Sign of Water Heater Failure # 1: Popcorn Sounds

The most apparent auditory signal that your standard atmospheric water heater is about to fail is when it sounds like a popcorn machine. A popping noise from your hot water heater comes from an accumulation of honeycombed mineral sludge caused when that water heater takes on hard water. Water trapped in that honeycomb becomes super-heated because the sediment layer forms directly above the heating element and flashes off into steam. That flash-boiled water is causing those pop POP popping noises.

The Solution:

Eventually, that sludge will stress your water heater tank, causing a leaker, and you’ll need a replacement commercial water heater. Those loud popcorn sounds also indicate that it’s time to invest in a water softener! Without a water softener to filter out that mineral sludge and gunk, your water heater tank becomes extremely inefficient and more prone to a shortened life and impending failure. A water softener won’t solve the existing sediment problem in your current water heater, but it will minimize (and hopefully eliminate) any future sediment build up in your new replacement water heater.

Auditory Sign of Water Heater Failure # 2: Loud Blower Motor

If your water heater setup has a blower motor attachment on the water heater itself, and the blower motor is unnaturally noisy and just plain LOUD, that means the blower bearings are about to fail. Here’s the thing: when that blower motor dies, your water heater won’t work. Why? Because your water heater is equipped with a failsafe mechanism that prevents operation in case of blower failure.

All high-efficiency (sealed combustion) water heaters have blower motors. If you have a standard (atmospheric) water heater, you most likely don’t have a blower motor unless you may have a hybrid power-vented setup (not typical).

The Solution:

Unfortunately, sometimes blowers are just loud. It could be your water heater is simply working hard. Listen for a distinct sound of rattling/tinkling/clinking metal. If that’s what you’re hearing, you may need your water heater’s blower motor replaced.

Look & Listen for Warning Signs to Prevent Dangerous Water Heater Failure

So, the moral of the story is stop, look, and listen for the signs of water heater failure. When you know and understand the visual and auditory signs of looming commercial water heater failure, you can prevent an emergency situation before it happens. In addition, the more you know about your commercial water heater, the more likely you’ll be able to stay in hot water, and the better off your restaurant, hotel, apartment, or other commercial enterprise will be in the long run.

If you feel you might be experiencing one of the signs of water heater failure, don’t wait. Reach out today; our technicians can help you get to the bottom of your water heater problems!

Featured image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons – licensed under CC Public Domain.

Smart Rental Plans

Reliable Water Services provides affordable rental & service options on a variety of commercial equipment – water heaters, boilers, water softeners & more – throughout Wisconsin, Indiana & surrounding portions of the Upper Midwest. As a B2B company, our specialty is helping businesses where no hot water is not an option – and we’re available for service 24/7 because that’s when our customers need us.


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