Rooftop Units

When it comes to rooftop HVAC units, every building is a little different. It’s essential to choose an expert like Reliable Water Services.

More Room on the Roof

Almost every commercial building has some type of HVAC rooftop unit—often multiple units. When there’s not enough room in your building’s basement, utility closet or main floor, the roof is often one of the most logical spots for utilities, with easy installation and easy access.

Your rooftop unit (RTU) helps control the temperature in your building. Just like residential air conditioners or furnaces help keep a home at a comfortable temperature, a commercial RTU does the same—just on a much larger scale. The number of RTUs your building needs can vary greatly depending on what’s happening inside the walls. They help to condition air, provide a cooling system, and improve indoor air quality. On cold days, they provide commercial heating and air circulation.

It’s also good to note that even though these rooftop systems have “rooftop” in the name, they don’t always have to go on the roof of a building. In many commercial applications, the RTU may be located on the side of the building, in an alleyway, or somewhere else on the outside of the building.

A large rooftop unit sits atop a building under a clear blue sky.
Two men shake hands over a table with blueprints. One man is holding a yellow hard hat under his arm.
A large air unit exhaust vent is shown on the exterior of a building.

The Right Fit

Selecting a commercial water heater can be complicated, but selecting a commercial Rooftop Unit (RTU) takes equipment sizing to another level. RTU requirements are specific to the footprint of the whole building, the different applications, and layouts within the building. For example, a restaurant may require a lot of make-up air to ventilate the kitchen. They might need a make-up air unit in tandem with their RTU rather than relying on cooling only. The situation may call for multiple dedicated outdoor air units.

Adequate make-up air is a safety requirement for commercial water heating units, too. However, typically, it’s based on the room(s) where the equipment is installed because water heaters don’t consume any air beyond that room. Calculating make-up air requirements for RTUs is more complex because RTUs impact airflow throughout the entire building.

Achieving the perfect air balance is critical, which is why RTU installs also require a dedicated Make-up Air Unit (MAU) to regulate the make-up air. It’s a safety obligation to ensure rooms have clean, fresh air (usually from the outdoors). Fans take the air out of a kitchen, and a make-up air unit brings outside air in and circulates it to maintain the ideal balance.

Each RTU setup is different and requires a different curb adapter. If you’re replacing your current commercial rooftop units with a new option, you may also need to install a new curb adapter because each setup’s footprint will vary. This is another reason why it’s crucial to enlist the help of experts like Reliable Water Services.

Considering an RTU?

Do all buildings need a rooftop unit? The answer is that in most commercial applications, some type of RTU is required. Buildings often need multiple units to ensure redundancy and cover different zones. If one unit goes out, you can’t rely on fans to create cool air, nor can you expect everyone to gather on the “cool side” of the building. Here are a few pros and cons of RTUs.

Several large fans as part of a rooftop HVAC system are shown with a blue sky and white clouds in the background.

Fortunately, if you need a rooftop unit, Reliable Water Services can meet your needs with the same great service plans and leasing options. Reach out to Reliable Water Services to find out how affordable it is to update or maintain your RTU. We’ll help ensure your building air stays comfortable and fresh!

Our Smart Rental Plans Include:


No upfront equipment costs – it’s all part of the package!


Our plumber or yours? Either way, the installation cost is covered!

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