How to Run a Successful Restaurant

Welcome to the restaurant business. All that blood, tears, toil and sweat finally paid off. Not only did you open your restaurant, you’ve also kept happy customers coming in the door, day after day. It’s an amazing accomplishment few people ever get to experience.

Hidden inside most goals are the first steps to the next challenge. To keep your restaurant running successfully you’re going to need a new set of skills. Most customers are more forgiving on opening night. You may have your plans mapped out and your staff drilled on the menu, but mistakes happen and routines have yet to be established.

From Roof to Restaurant: Starting an On-site Restaurant Garden

on-site restaurant garden edison light bulb fixture

Rooftop gardens are popular these days not just for residential buildings, but for commercial buildings as well. You might want to invest in a rooftop garden for your restaurant for the ease, value and for helping your bottom line.

They’re starting to pop up all over the country: restaurants that implement a multi-tiered solution to some of these environmental, community and profit margin problems. Their answer: rooftop and on premises urban gardens.

Sounds kinda radical right? Believe it or not, this green movement solution incorporates more benefits than problems, and will literally change the face of your community, your environment and of course, your business—all at the same time.