Gym Sanitation and Locker Room Cleanliness

Your business depends on your reputation for cleanliness.

No one wants to spend time in a gym best known for spreading disease. Good gym sanitation helps ensure your reputation also remains spotless. If you’re running any workout facility or fitness center, here’s what you need to know about keeping your locker rooms, showers, and other facilities clean and sanitized. Explore the hazards of not keeping these areas sanitized and ways that you can ensure they stay clean and fresh.

What’s At Stake with Improper Gym Sanitation?

Keeping gyms and locker rooms clean and sanitized can be a nightmare. Body heat and shower steam ensure that some areas are always warm and damp—the perfect environment for germs, bacteria, viruses, and fungus to thrive. With dozens, or even hundreds, of people coming and going every day, how do you keep everything clean and prevent an outbreak that could potentially ruin your reputation?

A few years ago, FitRated gathered samples from three gyms and had them tested by EmLab P&K. The results were pretty alarming. Free weights averaged 362 times more germs than a toilet seat. Treadmills averaged 74 times more bacteria than faucets in public bathrooms. Gross!


4 Steps to Ensure Your Gym Sanitation Procedures Are Up to Par

Gym sanitizing comes down to four things: procedures, training, equipment/supplies, and vigilance. Let’s go through each step point-by-point.

1. Establish Cleaning Procedures

A successful gym cleaning and sanitization schedule is structured and done by the clock to avoid overlooked tasks. Train your staff to keep a written record of what tasks are complete, when, and by whom. Dividing responsibility for the tasks into staffing/facility areas ensures your team knows which jobs are expected of them and keeps everyone accountable.

2. Stock Necessary Equipment and Supplies

Cleaning and PPE equipment should be used solely for its designated purpose. Restock your supplies before they run out. The specifics of what equipment you’ll need to stock up on will vary according to your facilities.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s to avoid exposure. To keep your staff and guests healthy while sanitizing gym equipment, keep plenty of PPE on hand and instruct your staff on when and how to use it.

A complete PPE kit can include:

  • Gown or apron
  • Glasses/goggles
  • Face shield
  • Face mask
  • Gloves

A full 20-second hand wash “with soap” procedure is a minimum requirement for basic handwashing hygiene. Running through the Happy Birthday song three times in your head is an easy way to mark the time.

The full hazmat suit is impractical in a gym sanitizing scenario, but at the very least, staff members should wear gloves and a mask while cleaning and wash their hands thoroughly before and after.

Gym sanitizing supplies and equipment:

  • PPE kits
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Mop
  • Broom
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Cleaning products specific to the purpose
  • Sanitizer
  • Trash bags
  • Lost property bags
  • Toilet brushes
  • Sponges
  • Buckets
  • Hot water
  • Portable steamer

Hot water is a fundamental part of the cleaning regimen. Make sure your hot water system is working efficiently. Schedule annual services and stay on top of maintenance and repairs.

3. Train Your Staff

Maintaining gym sanitation and locker room cleanliness is impossible if your staff is not committed to the effort. During training, it’s critical to stress the reasons they should care. Keeping members healthy and preventing the health department from shutting down your business are essential points, and you should remind them that the people most at risk are the staff themselves.

Posters, notices, and reminder stickers posted in strategic places will help both staff and clients to remember the new basics of social distancing and cleaning during (and moving forward after) a global pandemic.

4. Create a Gym Sanitizing Checklist

Post a task checklist in each area and have your staff sign off each item with name and time completed (on paper or online). Here are some examples of daily and weekly gym, locker room, and workout floor sanitation tasks to keep up on.

Daily Gym Sanitation Tasks:

  • Dry mop or vacuum the floors. Start at one end or side of the room and work toward the other.
  • Clean mirrors. Work from top to bottom using a circular motion to avoid streaks.
  • Clean any marks on the walls. Wipe in one direction only to avoid spreading bacteria back and forth.
  • Empty trash cans.
  • Pick up used towels and transfer them to the laundry cart or room.
  • Return gym equipment to its designated place.
  • Lost/left items should be picked up, placed in a bag to avoid cross-contamination, and taken to the front desk or the lost property area.

Weekly Gym Sanitation Tasks:

  • Clean light switches and fixtures.
  • Clean vents (one direction only).
  • Clean sound system. Wipe down the top, sides, touch panel, and any other commonly touched areas. Wipe in one direction only to avoid contamination by rubbing back and forth.
  • Wet mop the floors or steam clean the carpets. Start at one end or side of the room and finish at the other, ensuring the entire floor is cleaned.
  • Scrub clean and use sanitizing spray on exercise mats.
  • Scrub down and use sanitizing spray exercise balls and other equipment items in the area.

Daily Fitness Floor Sanitation Tasks:

  • Vacuum flooring twice daily. Start at one end or side of the room and work toward the other.
  • Clean mirrors. Work from top to bottom using a circular motion to avoid streaks.
  • Clean all seats and benches. Wipe in one direction only.
  • Clean any glass surfaces going in one direction in a circular motion to avoid streaks.
  • Clean resistance machines. Start at the top and work downwards, wiping in one direction only.
  • Clean free weights benches and their accessories, again working in one direction only.
  • Clean the frames and housing of all cardiovascular equipment.
  • Empty waste containers.
  • Lost/left items should be picked up, placed in a bag to avoid cross-contamination, and taken to the front desk or the lost property area.

Weekly Fitness Floor Sanitation Tasks:

  • Clean light switches and fixtures.
  • Clean vents (one direction only).
  • Wash and sanitize waste containers.
  • Treat equipment with specialized surface cleaners as necessary.

Note: While workers are sanitizing gym equipment, it’s the perfect time to spray resistance machine rods with lubricant.

Daily Gym Locker Room Sanitation Tasks (Dry Areas)

  • Vacuum carpeted flooring twice daily. Start at one end or side of the room and work toward the other.
  • Dry mop uncarpeted areas twice daily. Start at one end or side of the room and work toward the other.
  • Clean mirrors. Work from top to bottom using a circular motion to avoid streaks.
  • Clean vanity counter areas. Wipe in one direction only.
  • Clean all seats and benches. Wipe in one direction only.
  • Clean glass surfaces. Wipe in one direction in a circular motion to avoid streaks.
  • Clean dressing rooms. Start at the top and wipe in one direction only.
  • Neaten the vanity/grooming areas throughout the day as needed.
  • Refill amenity containers: soaps, lotions, shampoo, conditioner, etc.
  • Empty waste containers as needed throughout the day.
  • Empty towel and laundry bins as necessary. Take soiled items to the laundry area.
  • Lost/left items should be picked up, placed in a bag to avoid cross-contamination, and taken to the front desk or the lost property area.

Weekly Gym Locker Room Sanitation Tasks (Dry Areas)

  • Clean light switches and fixtures.
  • Polish any metal surfaces and fixtures.
  • Clean areas above the lockers.

Daily Gym Locker Room Sanitation Tasks (Wet Areas)

  • Check Wet areas every hour to ensure hygiene and cleaning standards are maintained.
  • Clean mirrors. Work from top to bottom using a circular motion to avoid streaks.
  • Scrub sinks and faucet areas. Work in one direction only as much as possible.
  • Clean and tidy sink counters as necessary throughout the day. Wipe surfaces in one direction to avoid spreading any bacterial contaminants.
  • Scrub shower cubicles, doors, floors, and faucets. Clean drains and use a chemical cleaner if necessary. Start at the top, work down, wiping in one direction. Finish the shower area by cleaning and drying the floors.
  • Scrub urinals and toilets. Clean interior and exterior of toilet and urinal fittings and ensure all surfaces are clean and disinfected according to cleaning product instructions.
  • Refill toilet paper and amenities as needed throughout the day.
  • Empty waste containers throughout the day.
  • Dry mop floors as needed throughout the day. Work from one side of the room to the other.
  • Wet mop floors. As always, work from one side of the room to the other, using hot water and floor cleaner.
  • Lost/left items should be picked up, placed in a bag to avoid cross-contamination, and taken to the front desk or the lost property area.

Note: Hot water is a powerful disinfectant and cleaner. Portable steam cleaners can help ensure that wet areas are sanitized and cleaned thoroughly and economically.

Weekly Gym Locker Room Sanitation Tasks (Wet Areas)

  • Clean light switches and fixtures
  • Wash waste containers
  • Clean the dry deck
  • Clean drains with a chemical cleaner.
  • Report any damages or maintenance issues to management.

Daily Gym Reception and Welcome Area Sanitation Tasks:

  • Vacuum floors twice daily.
  • Clean countertops, wiping in one direction only.
  • Empty waste containers.

Weekly Gym Reception and Welcome Area Sanitation Tasks:

  • Wash and sanitize waste containers.
  • Clean light switches and fixtures.
  • Clean drawers and shelves. Work in one direction only.

All Areas, every three to six months

  • Polish and buff floors every 3 to 6 months as needed, and have the carpeted areas professionally cleaned.
  • Dry clean dressing room curtains every six months.

5. Keep on Top of Gym and Locker Room Sanitation

Ensure staff members know their assigned tasks and expectations.  Have a simple signature board or online checklist available for staff to sign when tasks are completed. Have a supervisor verify completed tasks to ensure the high standard your clients expect is maintained (and keep the health department off your back!). Following a routine protocol for cleaning each area ensures all areas stay clean and presentable and, above all, safe for you, your staff, and your clients.

Word of mouth recommendations and social media reviews are vital to growing your business. A clean, hygienic gym facility will have your clients telling their friends and families all about it. Unfortunately, the same goes for a dirty facility.

One negative review can lose your facility thousands of dollars of business every year. To avoid that situation, keep on top of your cleaning and sanitation schedule. Assign tasks and have your staff sign off with time as they complete cleaning jobs, then have another team member or supervisor verify that tasks are completed and up to your standards.

Signs, posters, and reminders to stay distanced and wash hands properly are helpful reminders for staff and clients alike, reminding them that your facility is clean and that their safety and health is always your first priority.

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